Tuesday, July 9, 2013

International Giveaway + Gifts From VIVI-Clothes

Hello everyone!
Today I received a package (well, envelope...) from one of my sponsors, VIVI-Clothes.

Picture credit: www.asianfashionclothesblog.wordpress.com/

If you haven't already seen my post on VIVI-Clothes already, please do! Or, if TL;DR, VIVI-Clothes is a really cute company that focuses on Asian fashion based in Netherlands! It ships internationally and carries a lot of things from Korean fashion, gyaru brands (like Liz Lisa!), weird body slimming products, and even cosplay! Their customer service is super fast so I definitely recommend this store ♥

It took 10 days for my package to arrive from Netherlands to here (the USA). Pretty fast, in my opinion!

This is the envelope that I received my gifts from. To be frank, I am not pleased LOL. Yes, it's an envelope, which I am perfectly fine with, but what the hell?! This is like a normal envelope where you send papers, not objects!! It's not bubble wrapped on the inside, and the envelope is really thin and flimsy. If I'm ordering clothes, I better not receive them in an envelope as well! By the way, the reason why there's a hole in the front of the envelope is because my address was taped on and I wanted to rip it off for security purposes.

In the envelope was a brochure for VIVI-Clothes, one pair of clear teddy bear earrings, one pair of purple pearl smiley face earrings (?), and one bracelet. Each piece of jewelry came in its separate little plastic bag.

I'm not sure what these earrings are made of, but they feel like plastic (not saying that as insult, because these are pretty cute LOL).

These earrings aren't actually pearl, I just called them pearl because purple spherical smiley face earrings sounds weird > u < I actually don't even know if they're earrings because they came with no plugs to hold the earrings in your ears.

I really really like this bracelet as you can see!! I think the doll charm is super adorable ♥ Unfortunately, even though I put on the clasp on the first chain, it's still too big for me. 

I'd say that the quality of the jewelry from VIVI-Clothes is like the quality of jewelry from Forever21. Cheap, but not obvious to the point where it looks like it's from the dollar store.
Even though I'm sponsored by VIVI-Clothes, it doesn't mean that this will affect my opinion on its products. In my opinion, the items in their store are really overpriced. This bracelet is worth around $21, but I think it's worth around $7.

I'm pretty pleased with VIVI-Clothes...considering the fact that they're kind enough to sponsor a giveaway!

Not only will VIVI-Clothes be giving away some cute jewelry to the winner, but I will be giving away any one pair of circle lenses from Kpop2 (in the $10 category) and $25 worth of cosmetics from Cosmetic-Love. Neither Kpop2 nor Cosmetic-Love are sponsoring this giveaway, I am spending my own money for these gifts to one lucky and lovely follower. To be honest, I actually picked these two sites because they're reliable and they have free shipping L-LOL;;

That being said, the reason why I am hosting this giveaway is because I am almost at 200 followers! Thank you guys so much for the support through these almost 3 months! When I first started blogging, I knew but only one person, Yuzuru, from Suzume Season. Now, I've met a lot of wonderful people, and I'm so thankful that Yuzuru pushed me to start a blog of my own LOL. The beauty blogging community is so incredibly sweet, beautiful, and real that I seriously wish that some of you lived nearby = _ =; (You'd think that  there'd be an abundance of people from the NJ/NYC area...)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The giveaway starts on: 7/9/13
...and ends on 9/9/13
 This giveaway is international and lasts two months.

Good luck to everyone, and thank you again! I love all of you xoxo